
McMMO purposes IronBlock.png Iron blocks in Minecraft as Anvils. Approach an anvil with your tool and right click to repair it.
If you have enough spare resources in your inventory you will repair the Item (for example, if your equipment had nearly broken, you would need 1 Iron bar to fully repair an Iron shovel, and 3 Iron bars to fully repair an iron pickaxe).

The durability restored will gain a bonus of 0.2% per level. So at level 100 you are repairing for 20% more than you normally would.

In order to use an anvil to repair a Diamond.png Diamond Item, you must have a repair skill level of 50.

With the most recent update (1.2.07) if your repair skill is not high enough, you will lose the enchantment(s) on the item. This should be updated letting servers repair level 50 enchantments.

Enchantment Degrees That Can Be Repaired -
Repair SkillDegree

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Caption should define AF, at present it's not clear what this table shows -
Repair SkillAF Success RateAF Failure Rate

The percentage of how much a piece of equipment will be repaired using one resource.

Not all the items who have a durability can be repaired though, Leather.png Leather Armor, FlintSteel.png Flint and Steel, and FishingRod.pngFishing Rods are not supported. If your server doesnt have MCMMO then it wont work.

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Item Repair -
Item Name
Base Durability Restored
IronHelmet.png Helmet-20%
IronChestpiece.png Chestpiece-13%
IronLeggings.png Leggings-15%
IronBoots.png Boots-25%
IronAxe.png Axe-33%
IronSword.png Sword-50%
IronPickaxe.png Pickaxe-33%
IronHoe.png Hoe-50%
IronShovel.png Shovel-100%
Shears.png Shears-60

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Material Values -
MaterialSkill Req.XP for base dur. rep.
WoodPlanks.png Wood Planks-05
Cobblestone.png Cobblestone-010
Ironingot.png Iron Ingot-020
Goldingot.png Gold Ingot-040
Diamond.png Diamond-5060

Super Repair

When repairing, players have a chance to double the amount repaired based on their Repair skill. Each extra level in the Repair Skill gives the player a .1% extra chance to activate the Super Repair ability (for example, a player with level 45 in the Repair skill has a 4.5% chance of activating the ability). A player can identify when he/she performs a Super Repair when the text "That felt easy." appears in the chat box.